Employers Plan To Shift Office Expenses to Employees

Before eliminating office space, businesses should think about loss of innovation, teamwork, and loyalty; organizational culture; and how it will affect the economy in your community.


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How to learn coding for beginners using python

I know a lot of people including me at a time that has always wanted to be the tech ‘guy’ or ‘girl’ and a common language you hear when it comes to coding is python. Python is a programming language and for a beginner, you need to learn the basics. Learning the basics can be a steping stone for those that want to use it in machine learning, Web development, and other fields

Learning python as a beginner would not be so easy at first yet I say consistency, passion and thoughts of the wonders you can create with this programming language should be a motivating factor.

To learn coding using python , I have few steps you must take

#1. Be ready

#2. Do your research online and offline that is, learn about terms , keywords, definitions etc that relates to python and coding.

#3. Use free coding platforms like freecodecamp, codecademy

#5. Watch learning videos

#6. Join communities with like minds

#7. Keep practising

#8. Do projects

# 9. Have a mentor

And you are on your way to becoming a python programming expert!.

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