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What is Mojo?

Find your inner indulgence.

Hey friend! Today I hope to teach you about mojo and self-love and what it means to feel good and be true to yourself. When the world is just right, you glide effortlessly, enveloped in the satisfaction of living.

My idea of mojo is unique to the individual. It is a formless substance you can only taste with experience and lose it quickly through thought. It comes and goes, peaks and disappears. I associate it with a feeling similar to pride but with the loosy goosy flow of love. It takes on a different form in every person.

You know when “You are feeling it” vs. when you feel like a turd nugget. Stinky, ugly, fat, nobody wants this. So therefore, I propose you learn how to create your own feel-good Mojo bay-bee. Now, mind you, this step-by-step approach is just a guide not to be taken as a restriction — go out and find what works for you.

Step one — feet shoulder-width apart, hands spread out parallel to the marching surface, and swing your arms as fast as possible to give yourself a big ‘ol warm passionate hug. Feel that squeeze and light up your insides with some warmhearted positivity as you say “I love you”

Step two — it is okay to laugh at yourself for feeling dorky, but only as long you indeed DO IT! The more you can feel yourself giving yourself kindness, the result is an unbelievable spike in self-esteem, mood, and you guessed it, MOJO.

The idea here is not to get dramatic with the steps but to reiterate the outcome — self-compassion will increase productivity, better relationships, and an overall happier life.

The trickiest trap is that A) we worry we’ll be judged and won’t fit in with the squad, B) we don’t think it means as much if it is coming from ourselves.

Depending on our stage of development, we find security if we are with others, so if we don’t fit in, we are unsafe and all alone. Security will mean more access to mojo, but we don’t need others for that.

At this point, we get into a growing-up dilemma to have our own identity, style, and experience and need to express it as unique individuals. This is a scary-ass step because we temporarily lose our support and footing to “find our sweet spot in the world.”

The most important lesson (refer to prior teaching) is Self- Compassion. It is too easy to get wrapped up blaming others or shaming yourself, at least for me. Remember to hug yourself and run through a few phrases “I forgive you, and I love you, I thank you, I accept you.” These have been monumental for myself and others I’ve coached.

I think the best-kept secret is that most super confident and brave people feel weak, frightened, and obnoxious some of the time. People have evolved similarly to hear that voice that calls them a disappointing nincompoop.

With practice, this voice gets heard instead of repressed or rejected, and with enough courage, you make friends with that negative side. Instead of avoiding, you are inviting because you know it is looking out for you and wants to make you better.

This quality alone of acceptance starts to heal you. When this happens, pools of mojo spring accessible, and you feel it from your loins to your heart; spread this all around inside you. Before long, the overfilling bursting emotion of empowerment will be dripping off you.

Crucial Key: Don’t let this go to waste; give it to a buddy, give a rando; just by being in the same room as a person, you can send them some extra lovin’. This abundance naturally refills itself. The more you give, the more you get. Not only that, but you must grow and develop to control larger loads of mojo.

Good luck getting what’s yours!

I’d love to hear how you find your mojo.

Tyler D.

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