Como a palavra se fez morada em mim

Quando eu era mais nova, a palavra se fazia em mim, mas eu não fazia na palavra, pelo menos não ainda de coração e alma. Ainda não estava entregue nela porque eu sentia que faltava algo, mas não…


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Kinsu at One

Kinsu is one year old, crikey! London is dark and cold and has gone Christmas mad with lights and sparkly things and noise of all kinds trying to make us buy stuff, with little hope of tiny baby Jesus saving us from it all.

Our Kinsu baby was delivered a year ago, not in a stable under a star, but on IOS and has kept us up at night, demanded constant attention, needed loving, feeding and nurturing and occasionally shit all over us, but of course we love it dearly!

Kinsu was born to solve the many problems we are faced with when buying home insurance, and we have made a lot of progress. We solved a few problems, created a few more, solved them too and are now setting about creating and solving more problems, and it’s that which keeps us moving and learning and growing at pace. This is really what it’s all about for me.

Looking after babies and businesses, of religious significance or not, is all about recognising problems, spotting them before they turn ugly or get too big, choosing what order to fix them in and then fixing them. It’s pretty much that simple and if you are good at it you move quickly. We have moved very quickly and so we must be pretty good…We launched Kinsu version 1 a year ago and have achieved a lot in 12 short months.

The Kinsu family in Madrid

Yes “Unbelievable!” I hear you shout, “Well done Kinsu, you guys rock!” but its not done yet, we have not yet achieved our primary mission to reset the relationship between people and insurance and become the insurer of choice for the digital generation. But please relax and please don’t worry, we have no doubt we will…”How?” they all shout with quizzical looks upon their drunken, ruddy, Christmassy faces, well funny you should ask that…

We swiftly assembled the Kinsu equivalent to a fabulously beautiful car body, wheels and chassis. Our engine is small but beautifully formed and over the coming months with our capability, learnings, skills and energy we will grow this engine into something huge and powerful to zoom Kinsu off into the future.

What powers the engine?
Our new features are going to be an absolute treat. We thought we’d open a few of them early and let you take a peek…

So before the pine needles have fallen, the baubles drooped and before the false hope that Glittery Christmassy consumerism would solve your deep rooted psychological traumas has faded, Kinsu will be revving the fuck up. Still quietly and in our own peculiar way, and to an audience of discerning and loyal customers who know we are better, who know we have their best interests at heart and who truly love the sound of what we are doing.

Thanks for all your support and help and here’s to the next amazing year and teaching our baby to walk by itself…We have lots to be thankful for and many reasons to be cheerful…

Thanks a million,
C x

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